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CP (S) 3
CP (S) 3

Clinch Position (Starter) 3

clinch-position chain-wrestlingstarter front-grapple
CP (S) 2
CP (S) 2

Clinch Position (Starter) 2

clinch-position chain-wrestlingstarter front-grapple
CP (S) 1
CP (S) 1

Clinch Position (Starter) 1

clinch-position chain-wrestlingstarter front-grapple
FN (S) 2
FN (S) 2

Full Nelson (Starter) 2

full-nelson chain-wrestlingstarter front-grapple armlock
FN (S) 1
FN (S) 1

Full Nelson (Starter) 1

full-nelson chain-wrestlingstarter back-grapple armlock
SH (S) 3
SH (S) 3

Sleeper Hold (Starter) 3

sleeper-hold chain-wrestlingstarter front-grapple necklock
SH (S) 2
SH (S) 2

Sleeper Hold (Starter) 2

sleeper-hold chain-wrestlingstarter guard-attack necklock
SH (S) 1
SH (S) 1

Sleeper Hold (Starter) 1

sleeper-hold chain-wrestlingstarter front-grapple necklock
FNL (S) 3
FNL (S) 3

Front Neck Lock (Starter) 3

front-neck-lock chain-wrestlingstarter faceup down necklock
FNL (S) 2
FNL (S) 2

Front Neck Lock (Starter) 2

front-neck-lock chain-wrestlingstarter sprawl-attack necklock
FNL (S) 1
FNL (S) 1

Front Neck Lock (Starter) 1

front-neck-lock chain-wrestlingstarter front-grapple necklock
DLHP (S) 1
DLHP (S) 1

Double Leg Hook Pin (Starter) 1

double-leg-hook-pin chain-wrestlingstarter guard-attack
SPHP (S) 2
SPHP (S) 2

Small Package Hold Pin (Starter) 2

small-package-hold-pin chain-wrestlingstarter sprawl-counter quick
SPHP (S) 1
SPHP (S) 1

Small Package Hold Pin (Starter) 1

small-package-hold-pin chain-wrestlingstarter guard-counter quick
FHAH (S) 1
FHAH (S) 1

Foot Hold Arm Hold (Starter) 1

foot-hold-arm-hold chain-wrestlingstarter back-grapple stretch

Knuckle Lock Pin (Starter)

knuckle-lock-pin chain-wrestlingstarter quick
KL (S)
KL (S)

Knuckle Lock (Starter)

knuckle-lock chain-wrestlingstarter front-grapple
FtF (S)
FtF (S)

Face to Face (Starter)

face-to-face chain-wrestlingstarter standing entertainment
AW (S) 7
AW (S) 7

Arm Wringer (Starter) 7

arm-wringer chain-wrestlingstarter front-grapple armlock
AW (S) 6
AW (S) 6

Arm Wringer (Starter) 6

arm-wringer chain-wrestlingstarter sprawl-counter armlock
AW (S) 5
AW (S) 5

Arm Wringer (Starter) 5

arm-wringer chain-wrestlingstarter guard-attack armlock
CAB-In (S) 6
CAB-In (S) 6

Cross Armbreaker – Incomplete (Starter) 6

cross-armbreaker-incomplete chain-wrestlingstarter front-grapple armlock
CAB-In (S) 5
CAB-In (S) 5

Cross Armbreaker – Incomplete (Starter) 5

cross-armbreaker-incomplete chain-wrestlingstarter front-grapple armlock
CAB-In (S) 4
CAB-In (S) 4

Cross Armbreaker – Incomplete (Starter) 4

cross-armbreaker-incomplete chain-wrestlingstarter front-grapple armlock
CAB-In (S) 3
CAB-In (S) 3

Cross Armbreaker – Incomplete (Starter) 3

cross-armbreaker-incomplete chain-wrestlingstarter guard-counter armlock
CAB-In (S) 2
CAB-In (S) 2

Cross Armbreaker – Incomplete (Starter) 2

cross-armbreaker-incomplete chain-wrestlingstarter bm-attack armlock
CAB-In (S) 1
CAB-In (S) 1

Cross Armbreaker – Incomplete (Starter) 1

cross-armbreaker-incomplete chain-wrestlingstarter guard-attack armlock
AW (S) 4
AW (S) 4

Arm Wringer (Starter) 4

arm-wringer chain-wrestlingstarter back-counter armlock
AW (S) 3
AW (S) 3

Arm Wringer (Starter) 3

arm-wringer chain-wrestlingstarter back-grapple armlock
AW (S) 2
AW (S) 2

Arm Wringer (Starter) 2

arm-wringer chain-wrestlingstarter front-grapple armlock
AW (S) 1
AW (S) 1

Arm Wringer (Starter) 1

arm-wringer chain-wrestlingstarter front-grapple armlock
AH (S) 7
AH (S) 7

Arm Hold (Starter) 7

arm-hold-chain chain-wrestlingstarter front-grapple armlock
AH (S) 6
AH (S) 6

Arm Hold (Starter) 6

arm-hold-chain chain-wrestlingstarter front-grapple armlock
HMRL (S) 5
HMRL (S) 5

Hammerlock (Starter) 5

hammerlock chain-wrestlingstarter back-grapple armlock
HMRL (S) 4
HMRL (S) 4

Hammerlock (Starter) 4

hammerlock chain-wrestlingstarter front-grapple armlock
HMRL (S) 3
HMRL (S) 3

Hammerlock (Starter) 3

hammerlock chain-wrestlingstarter back-counter armlock
HMRL (S) 2
HMRL (S) 2

Hammerlock (Starter) 2

hammerlock chain-wrestlingstarter front-grapple armlock
HMRL (S) 1
HMRL (S) 1

Hammerlock (Starter) 1

hammerlock chain-wrestlingstarter front-grapple armlock
HL (S) 6
HL (S) 6

Headlock (Starter) 6

headlock chain-wrestlingstarter bm-attack necklock
HL (S) 5
HL (S) 5

Headlock (Starter) 5

headlock chain-wrestlingstarter sprawl-attack necklock
HL (S) 4
HL (S) 4

Headlock (Starter) 4

headlock chain-wrestlingstarter facedown down necklock
HL (S) 3
HL (S) 3

Headlock (Starter) 3

headlock chain-wrestlingstarter back-counter necklock
HL (S) 2
HL (S) 2

Headlock (Starter) 2

headlock chain-wrestlingstarter back-grapple necklock
HL (S) 1
HL (S) 1

Headlock (Starter) 1

headlock chain-wrestlingstarter front-grapple necklock
CL-P (S) 3
CL-P (S) 3

Collar Lock Punch (Starter) 3

collar-lock-punch chain-wrestlingstarter front-grapple punch
CL-P (S) 2
CL-P (S) 2

Collar Lock Punch (Starter) 2

collar-lock-punch chain-wrestlingstarter guard-attack punch
CL-P (S) 1
CL-P (S) 1

Collar Lock Punch (Starter) 1

collar-lock-punch chain-wrestlingstarter front-grapple punch
CL (S) 3
CL (S) 3

Collar Lock (Starter) 3

collar-lock chain-wrestlingstarter front-grapple necklock
CL (S) 2
CL (S) 2

Collar Lock (Starter) 2

collar-lock chain-wrestlingstarter guard-attack necklock
CL (S) 1
CL (S) 1

Collar Lock (Starter) 1

collar-lock chain-wrestlingstarter front-grapple necklock
BSP (S) 1
BSP (S) 1

Backslide Pin (Starter) 1

backslide-pin chain-wrestlingstarter back-grapple quick
HS (S) 2
HS (S) 2

Headscissors (Starter) 2

headscissors chain-wrestlingstarter front-grapple necklock
HS (S) 1
HS (S) 1

Headscissors (Starter) 1

headscissors chain-wrestlingstarter faceup down necklock
ELL (S) 2
ELL (S) 2

Elbow Leglock (Starter) 2

elbow-leglock chain-wrestlingstarter back-counter leglock
ELL (S) 1
ELL (S) 1

Elbow Leglock (Starter) 1

elbow-leglock chain-wrestlingstarter faceup down leglock
TK (S) 2
TK (S) 2

Thigh Kick (Starter) 2

thigh-kick chain-wrestlingstarter back-counter kick
TK (S) 1
TK (S) 1

Thigh Kick (Starter) 1

thigh-kick chain-wrestlingstarter faceup down kick
JKHP (S) 2
JKHP (S) 2

Jackknife Hold Pin (Starter) 2

jackknife-hold-pin-chain chain-wrestlingstarter front-grapple quick
SLL (S) 2
SLL (S) 2

Spinning Leglock (Starter) 2

spinning-leg-lock chain-wrestlingstarter back-counter leglock
SLL (S) 1
SLL (S) 1

Spinning Leglock (Starter) 1

spinning-leg-lock chain-wrestlingstarter faceup down leglock
F4LL (S) 2
F4LL (S) 2

Figure 4 Leglock (Starter) 2

figure-4-leglock-chain chain-wrestlingstarter back-counter leglock
F4LL (S) 1
F4LL (S) 1

Figure 4 Leglock (Starter) 1

figure-4-leglock-chain chain-wrestlingstarter faceup down leglock
JKHP (S) 1
JKHP (S) 1

Jackknife Hold Pin (Starter) 1

jackknife-hold-pin-chain chain-wrestlingstarter guard-attack quick
AH (S) 5
AH (S) 5

Arm Hold (Starter) 5

arm-hold-chain chain-wrestlingstarter guard-counter armlock

Ground Hammerlock (Starter) 2

ground-hammerlock-chain chain-wrestlingstarter bm-attack armlock

Ground Hammerlock (Starter) 1

ground-hammerlock-chain chain-wrestlingstarter sprawl-counter armlock
SKLH (S) 1
SKLH (S) 1

Sickle Hold (Starter) 1

sickle-hold-chain chain-wrestlingstarter guard-attack multiple-lock
SALH (S) 1
SALH (S) 1

Surfing Appeal Leg Hold (Starter) 1

surfing-appeal-leg-hold-chain chain-wrestlingstarter guard-attack entertainment
RIDL (S) 1
RIDL (S) 1

Reverse Indian Deathlock (Starter) 1

reverse-indian-deathlock-chain chain-wrestlingstarter guard-attack leglock
ALH (S) 1
ALH (S) 1

Appeal Leg Hold (Starter) 1

appeal-leg-hold-chain chain-wrestlingstarter guard-attack entertainment
LH (S) 3
LH (S) 3

Leg Hold (Starter) 3

leg-hold-chain chain-wrestlingstarter back-counter leglock
LH (S) 2
LH (S) 2

Leg Hold (Starter) 2

leg-hold-chain chain-wrestlingstarter back-grapple leglock
LH (S) 1
LH (S) 1

Leg Hold (Starter) 1

leg-hold-chain chain-wrestlingstarter bm-attack leglock

Scool Boy Pin (Starter)

school-boy-pin-chain chain-wrestlingstarter back-grapple quick
WL (S) 1
WL (S) 1

Waist Lock (Starter) 1

waist-lock-chain chain-wrestlingstarter back-grapple
AH (S) 4
AH (S) 4

Arm Hold (Starter) 4

arm-hold-chain chain-wrestlingstarter run-counter armlock
AH (S) 3
AH (S) 3

Arm Hold (Starter) 3

arm-hold-chain chain-wrestlingstarter front-grapple armlock
AH (S) 2
AH (S) 2

Arm Hold (Starter) 2

arm-hold-chain chain-wrestlingstarter front-grapple armlock
AH (S) 1
AH (S) 1

Arm Hold (Starter) 1

arm-hold-chain chain-wrestlingstarter front-grapple armlock